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Auszug aus der AOG Referenzliste:
"Christine Schäfer"
Opernsängerin - Berlin
Vielen Dank für die Vermittlung einer
Kinderfrau / Haushälterin - Privatsekretärin für Bundesweite Reisebegleitung in Vollzeit
Vielen Dank für die Vermittlung einer
Kinderfrau / Haushälterin - Privatsekretärin für Bundesweite Reisebegleitung in Vollzeit
"Sven Quandt"
"Prinzessin Marie-Luise
zu Schaumburg-Lippe"
Lydia + Jürgen Schrempp
Danke A.O.G., für die prompte Vermittlung eines erfahrenen sowie tierlieben Englisch + Französisch = beides native-speaker (Nationalität Englisch und Französisch) und gut deutschprachigen Kindermädchens in Vollzeit, binnen einer Woche. - zeitlicher Ablauf; Freitag A.O.G. angerufen, Samstag Auftrag erteilt; Montag Bewerbungsgespräche; Die., Mittw. und Do., Probetage - Freitag Arbeitsvertrag unterschrieben.
"Rosi Rüsch"
Hauspersonal Österreich Jungholz - Tirol
Tierliebe und berufserfahrene Haushälterin/Hauswirtschafterin in Vollzeit. Danke A.O.G. für die prompte Vermittlung binnen einer Woche.
Tierliebe und berufserfahrene Haushälterin/Hauswirtschafterin in Vollzeit. Danke A.O.G. für die prompte Vermittlung binnen einer Woche.
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- Prinzessin Marie-Luise zu Schaumburg-Lippe
- Sven Quandt
- Kunde Bernhard Braunsberger: Fröhliche sowie sportliche/s Kinderfrau/Kindermädchen/Haushaltshilfe mit Säuglingspflegeerfahrung - zum 15. September 2006 in Vollzeit nach Steyr / Ober-Österreich, bei Linz. Danke AOG für die prompte Vermittlung.
- Customer: Dr. Phoebe Kebbel: Many thanks for the extreme fast placement of a Nanny in full-time to Frankfurt. Less than one day after the first contact to AOG we already received the first two profiles of proper candidates, followed by ten others, which all were in line with our standards. One week later we already hired the appropriate Nanny and we are very satisfied.
- Rosi Rüsch, Jungholz/Tyrol, Austria. Love of animals and professionally experienced housekeeper/ housekeeper in full - time. Thank A.O.G. for the prompt arrangement within a week. www.domesticstaffagency.com domestic staff agency austria www.hauspersonalagentur.at - hier finden Sie Hauspersonal mit Referenzen
- Annemone Albrecht, English-speaking German sporting nanny in whole time to London. The arrangement has very well turned within 14 days after order granting. Many many thanks! I like to recommend you.
- Wolfgang Prinz of Bavaria, butler/chauffeur/household manager
- Stephan of Bismarck, nanny London, qualified employee educator/child nurse in full time, Domestic-Staff London, thanks for the fast arrangement within 14 days. Supplement of this unfortunately, our switched Nanny leaves us, after 12 months, in a good Verhältniss because she has herself professionally in London umorientiert in turn the agency has 14.7.04 within 48 hour, six further good ones Proved against applicant knocked out s t e /(n). Nanny sound starts with consultation our new nanny/everything into best Odnung, thanks A.O.G., to 15804th on 1-12-2004!
- Christine Schäfer, opera singer, Berlin, Paris, Salzburg. Flexible journey nanny/housekeeper secretary in fullime.
- Family Diamantidis German private cook in whole time to Athens Greece
- Family by OPELS, England GB - German child woman London - 100 % child girls/child woman/educator/child nurse in full time. AOG/house personnel agency England/London thanks themselves also for the further house personnel you us to have mediated would like we with AOG thanking you... Jan.2005
- Dear Mrs Schichl, dear Mr Schichl, my wife and I are happy Mrs Julia ***** will help us as of the middle of September. I will be glad furthermore to recommend you and, to ask the next again for help. Many thanks, Damian von Stauffenberg -- .. 2003 to 2005 Damian von Stauffenberg, Germans nanny in whole time to New York/U.S.A. thanks A.O.G. !!! Perfect! I am very satisfied with your service July 2005 renewed arrangement a nanny/nanny/mothers-Help/House goalkeeper because of move from the states to London/England/GB, that I recommend your agency A.O.G. constantly!- OK to September 2005 ..... thanks AOG.
- Lydia and Jürgen Schrempp, thanks A.O.G., for the prompt arrangement of one German/English-(native speaker) and French speaking nanny in whole time, within a week. temporal one expiry; Saturday places order Friday A.O.G. called; Monday application conversations; On Friday Die., Mittw. and Do., rehearsing floor, signed contract of employment --
- Maike Jahr, Hamburg: We are very grateful to AOG for the prompt arrangement of a housekeeper/nanny in whole time. www.hamburg-hauspersonal.de www.haushaelterin-hamburg.de www.haushälterin-hamburg.de
- ProMinet Dosiertechnik GmbH, arrangement of a diet cook in whole time to Heidelberg -- Baden Württemberg. Temporal sequence: Applicant online on the A.O.G. database found, contacted about A.O.G. and already stopped after a couple of taster days. Thank AOG.
- housekeeper/nanny with mother tongue Spanish, would not like this one to be called by name for a German family, in whole time to Rostock-Mecklenburg-Germany.
- Gianna Morosani - house personnel / domestic staff Switzerland - German Nanny, national "anerkannte" educator/child nurse in full time to Davos Switzerland - thanks AOG
- Maik Weiss company: Dear Mr Schichl, we have been able to that your agency belongs to the best ones if not even the best is if it is about house staff convince our customer agent CS, Frankfurt and Stuttgart. for the arrangement of a housekeeper/nanny/whole time order successfully arranges CS customer ***** to our agent to Munich who would not like to be by name mentioned, assigned on 5-5-6 and within 4th weeks to 6-6-6. Thanks //A.O.G.//, we emfpehlen you ask for house staff our Concierge service at further with pleasure far. the customer = very contentedly -- till now sensationally !!
- Gioia Bonomi: Domestic staff Switzerland : Supplement ***** 6/2006 -- dear Mr SCHICHL; Thank you for the promte and short-term arrangement of a Wirtschafter/caretaker married couple under others. Gioia voucher granny, piece Moritz+Milan, Italy, child nurse, educator, family nurse qualified employee nanny/nanny, whole time dear Mr Schichl! Dear agency without limits recommends you me -- also for the good advice and regular cooperation in other staff questions since now 1999 thanks you constantly in which, already already last, I this one has served our house/family 35 years ago well and mine is still family in good and best memory me this also completely completely likes to mention you after your father Karlheinz K. in reliability, mind and humour follow. Please continue your agency according to a good old family tradition so!
- Michaela Kuzmanovic, thanks for the prompt and fast arrangement of a housekeeper/nanny in whole time to Stuttgart/Ludwigsburg.
- Dr. Corinna Töpel-Sievers, nanny/domestic help in whole time, Herrliberg at the Zürichsee/Switzerland CH, Swiss - www.hauspersonal-schweiz.ch www.kinderfrau.ch www.hausmeisterehepaar.ch
- Flexible housekeeper/cook/nanny in whole time to Travemünde near Lübeck fond of children. Hedda Deilmann, thanks to A.O.G. for the fast arrangement within 14 days.
- Heike Melitz, Switzerland - Constance to the Lake Bodensee - sew Kreuzlingen, nanny/housekeeper -- domestic staff - in whole time
- Helmut Woelki, Berlin, Wannsee, caretaker couple in whole time.
- Isabel Pourroy, children´s love housekeeper for a flexible 30 hour week to Munich-Bogenhausen. Thank AOG -- I will like to recommend you.
- T.V.C., thanks A.O.G. for the arrangement of a multilingual nanny/mothers-Help in whole time to Hanover+ 1 of another nanny in whole time 22.2.06
- Business advice, enterprise advice Volker Württenberger, Dasing near Augsburg. Nanny/housekeeper in whole time. Order placed on 15-2-2006 and on 17-2-2006 already successfully conveyed. Bravo A.O.G. !!! of much many thanks! I like to recommend you!
- Tercan Rummel, fulltime domestic staff, nanny to Dortmund/Germany. Thank A.O.G. for the fast and professional help.
- Family Grauke, Wiesbaden, arrangement of a housekeeper/house personnel in whole time. Yes, contract of employment went faster than erwaret, within a week signed. Thank A.O.G
- Dr. Zahn, arrangement of a caretaker / housekeeper couple fulltime, Munich - Nympenburg
- Family von der Osten-- arrangement of a nanny /Haushälterin+ further helps
- Ralf Sprick, Salzburg/Austria, sporting journey butler/Majordome to Austria and Chur/Switzerland as well as for frequent journey companies within canton Zurich+ Grisons in whole time. Thank you A.O.G., I am very satisfied with the switched Butler.
- Mareen Frank, housekeeper/nanny in whole time Frankfurt am Main. Thank AOG fantastically! Admission date October 2004/demand in October 2005, love Mrs Schichl, thanks for your demand, everything furthermore in the best order.
- Stacy Hyer, house staff Hanover and house staff Berlin, = arrangement of an English-speaking nanny/housekeeper from the occupational group´s family nurse -- greeting thanks combine AOG -- by the state checked house housekeeper+by the state checked child nurse in whole time for our two households in Hanover and Berlin -- at currently 60% child care/40% domestic science and home economics! English-speaking nanny Hanover or English-speaking housekeeper Berlin/housekeeper Hanover house housekeeper Berlin/house housekeeper Berlin.
- Count and countess Stauffenberg, Münster (horse breeding/stud), animal-dear lady housekeeper/child woman in full time..... everything in best Odnung, thanks AOG!
- Herbert van der Hamm GmbH, switching of a house manager in/lady housekeeper/operating chief in full time to Mannheim/Baden-Wuerttemberg - as leading 1. Hauswirtschafterin for the enterprise with opportunities for advancement to the range chief - as well as a lady housekeeper for private for the area Mannheim.
- Film production Tresor Entertainment GmbH Vorcasting and switching of child nurses, educators, family nurses for production Supernanny Rtl child girl Hamburg, child girl Hanover, child girl Frankfurt, child girl Berlin, child girl Cologne, child girl Duesseldorf, Kindermaedchen Munich child girl Bremen casting - AoG - reliable and perfect - in all cities - all published!
- Peter Nemec, Kindermaedchen full time, Frankfurt/Main. A.O.G thanks, for the fast prompt and extremely profesionelle service.
- Daniel Geiser, well-being educational care family PAP Praxis for an applied education. Arrangement of an educator Switzerland/diploma well-being educationalist to the Switzerland/Zofingen -- sound consultation with Mr Geiser on 18-1-5 everything in the best order -- very content-
- Dr. Ernst/housekeeper 1996 to this day -- whole time thanks a real luck handle of all AOG. + 2005 additional arrangement of a night-watch/companion/travelling companion in whole time -- also a luck handle -- region Munich-Grünwald
- Thomas Becker, Offenbach, Hesse, all-rounder/caretaker chauffeur in whole time -- fantastic!thanks for the professional arrangement -- thanks AOG
- Richard Elwell, Stade near Hamburg/Buxtehude, German English-speaking nanny (qualified employee by the state checked educator in whole time)
- Carmen Ehrlich, a nanny Munich+ arrangement of service personnel Munich of A Z since 1995 always !!!
- Svetlana Sotkina -- Frankfurt am Main, arrangement of nanny, -- qualified employee educator-with a Russian nationality from the region Frankfurt Main in the whole time and a renewed arrangement 2005 housekeeper house housekeeper in whole time from the region Frankfurt am Main
- Pablo Thiam, Fussballspieler FC. Bayern/nanny Munich today nanny Wolfsburg
- Prahl Nicoline boasts house housekeeper Munich, Trudering or housekeeper in whole time, housekeeper in Lake Tegernsee -- house staff in Cologne and house staff in Berlin as well as house staff in Hamburg -- children and animal dear -- by the further one recommendations for house staff in Schliersee, nanny in Hannover
- Dr. Odemer - housekeeper Munich Live in - , house hats and housekeeper into full time excellent since 1996 of all AOG
- Thomas Brunold, Backnang/Baden-Wurttemberg, English-speaking housekeeper/nanny in whole time.
- Ullrich Babst, Herten/Recklinghausen, housekeeper/nanny in whole time.
- Claudia Rupp Ritman, 100%, nanny in whole time room Frankfurt am Main, I would like to thank you for your professional and always contemporary support quite cordially in this place and will like to recommend your agency. You may otherwise take me on your reference list since I am extremely satisfied with your service, as already in the last e-mail formulated.
- Theda of Kuenheim, housekeeper in the whole time/very good !!!
- Sonya Kraus, C.H.A.I.M., arrangement of one 70% housekeeper 30% nanny, state checked house housekeeper, educator, child nurse, with -- the best long-standing section from comparable activity after bath blessing mountain at Neumünster -- according to the consultation/call of Mrs Kraus at this 25.5.04 fantastic! very content!AOG!
- Isabelle and Roman Wismer, Switzerland Baar, house staff Zurich, arrangement of a German nanny in whole time to Zurich or Baar near Zurich, experienced nanny/housekeeper
- Company Insight New -- York, arrangement of German staff to New York/the USA
- Since 1998 I learn best & discreet performances, nanny part-time, princess Biron from Curland = AOG = very well !!!
- Princess Dagmar to Hohenlohe/AOG =!A.OK. very good -- everything always very well
- Princely woods castle Zeilsche holding of court castle administration Leutkirch, master cook
- Your royal Highness princess Waldburg-Zeil, duchess von Urach, companion/attendant
- Family Patrick Süskind count, writer, nanny/domestic help, Munich-France
- Maslaton Nicole and Marc, Vorstand Travel 24 AG, English-speaking nanny and advice for an English-speaking children's day place
- Doctor Sasse, Gebäudereinigung AG, house staff housekeeper and nanny for Lake Ammer in whole time
- Wendt Jeremy, mothers-help in fullt time with journey company
- Baroness von Künsberg, child support and holiday godfather dog
- Baron of Landsberg, house housekeeper Munich
- Baroness von Finck, Helmut of Finck, house housekeeper Munich, 3 x night-watch +Zugehfrau Munich
- Elisabeth Northey Poschinger & Erika of Geldern, elderly care+care
- Spencker Joachim, publisher, private chauffeur+holiday godfather dog
- Julia of Siemens, house staff/housekeeper/cook Munich
- Baron + Baroness of Brackel, house keeper/for Munich-Bogenhausen, AOG is a right institution everybody positively almost knows this one here
- Herzogin Marie von Württemberg
Sterne Bewertungsystem von AOG

Ich vergebe 5 Sterne an die Agentur da Sie mir jederzeit professionel und kompetent zur Seite gestanden hatte.Ich hatte nie das Gefühl allein gelassen zu werden,egal zu welcher Uhrzeit,das Team war immer für mich da.Meinen besonderen Dank geht an Frau Hartwig,die unermüdlich immer ein offenes Ohr für mich hatte. Liebes AOG Team danke für die gute Betreuung.Ich wünsche Ihnen weiterhin viel Erfolg und alles erdenkliche Gute. herzlichst Frau Ortmann

In meinem eher ungewöhnlichen Fall (Quereinsteiger im fortgeschrittenen Alter) haben die Mitarbeiter der A.O.G. als Einzige (Agentur) meine Unterlagen nicht rundweg abgelehnt, sondern diese eingehend gelesen, das Potential erkannt und mir stets kompetent und hilfreich zur Seite gestanden. Obwohl ich hoffe, nicht wieder in die Situation zu kommen Arbeit suchen zu müssen, würde ich auch in Zukunft jederzeit auf die Unterstützung der A.O.G. vertrauen und kann diese ehrlich weiterempfehlen.

Sprechzeiten: Montag bis Donnerstag von 10 bis 16 Uhr. Freitags 10 bis 14 Uhr. Persönliche Termine nach Absprache.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Nicole Schichl